- “Habanero-Java: Multicore Programming for the Masses” (with Shams Imam), PPoPP 2014.
- “Compiler Challenges for Task-Parallel Languages”, PLDI 2011.
- “The Concurrent Collections Parallel Programming Model – Foundations and Implementation Challenges” (with Kathleen Knobe), PLDI 2009.
- “Analysis and Optimization of Parallel Programs” (with Sam Midkiff), PLDI 2008.
- “Programming using the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Model” (with Tarek El-Ghazawi), Supercomputing 2007.
- “X10: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming for Modern Architectures” (with Vijay Saraswat), given at OOPSLA 2006, PPoPP 2007 and PLDI 2007.
- “Programming Internet-Scale Distributed Applications in the 21st Century: BPEL and Beyond” (with John Field), given at ECOOP 2004 and OOPSLA 2003 conferences.
- “Optimized Compilation of Java Programs”, given at ACM PLDI 2000 and ACM Java Grande 2001 conferences.
- “Static and Dynamic Optimized Compilation of Java Programs”, given at the workshop on Java for High-Performance Computing, held in conjunction with ICS ’99 (with Manish Gupta).
- “Code Optimization in Modern Compilers” given at the ASPLOS ’96, HPCA ’96, POPL ’96, HiPC ’95 conferences (with Krishna Palem).
- “Advanced Optimizations for Memory Hierarchies” given at the PLDI ’93 and CASCON ’94 conferences.
- “Instruction Scheduling” given at the SPDP ’93 conference (with Barbara Simons). This tutorial was extended into an invited video lecture in University Video Communications’ Distinguished Lecture Series.